Angel Borrego Cubero, Director of workshop at TEC Monterrey

Next week (September 22nd – 26th 2014) we are going to take part at the Innovative Week of the TEC Monterrey – Campus Guadalajara, in Mexico. Angel Borrego Cubero will lead the Taller Vertical “@Campus2030” organized by the School of Architecture. On this occasion there will be a private screening of “The Competition” addressed to the TEC’s students.

The Competition won the First Prize at Madrid Architects’ Association Awards

Angel Borrego Cubero was awarded the 1st Prize COAM’14 (Madrid Architects Association)  for the documentary “The Competition”: “(..) The great interest of this documentary work lies not only in the fact it gives information about the procedures and tools of architecture competitions, but it also builds a complex, and uncomfortable, cinematic story that encourages reflection and discussion, on the real interest of the architecture “star-system”, as well as the suitability of this type of competition to satisfy the real needs of society (Emilio Tuñón, Jury report of the COAM’14 Awards)
