Justo Isasi, a Full Professor of “Proyectos arquitectónicos” at ETSAM (Madrid’s school of architecture at UPM) gives here one of his sketched lectures. Each one of these lessons is a wonderful coming together of history, ideas, architecture, drawing, construction, culture, etc. All of them gravitate to some extent around the importance of drawing in the evolution of ideas in western culture. These lessons were part of professor Isasi’s exam for full professorship, which he won in 2002 at ETSAM. “Thinking with Lines” is the first of the six sketched lessons that prof. Isasi is giving in the Spring semester of 2016, and it serves as an introduction to the series. Along with prof. Isasi, we at OSS have wanted to organize, for a few years now, the presentation of these lessons in a way that would allow us to film them. We are confident that most of you will agree with us that they needed to be documented and made available to the general public.
Professor Justo Isasi’s Lessons
A documentary series of Professor Justo Isasi's sketched classes

Concept and production: Ángel Borrego Cubero
Collaboration: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid ETSAM (Madrid Architecture School)
Recording: 2016
Type: Project of academic innovation