Exhibition “Learning from the Cuencas”, 27.09.2013 – 23.02.2014 at theLABoral in Gijón: Office for Strategic Spaces takes part with the project : “ADMINISTRATIVE LANDSCAPE. Form Follows Norm” (Manifesto + video installation). Curators: Nacho Ruiz Allén & Sara López Arraiza (zon-e arquitectos); Artists: Óscar de Ávila, Basurama, Edu Comelles, Cómo crear historias, Antonio Corral Fernández, Bárbara Fluxá, Fran Meana, Marcos Martínez Merino, Mind Revolution, Office for Strategic Spaces (OSS), Recetas Urbanas, Daniel Romero.
Photos: OSS, Marcos Morilla
Documentary for La Biennale Architettura di Venezia 2023
Exhibition at the 13th Spanish Biennial of Architecture
Factoria Cultural, a nominee at the European Architecture Prize Mies van der Rohe
Factoria Cultural, shortlisted at the EU Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention
Finalist at the 13th Spanish Architecture Biennale