News: Exhibition at Milan Design Week 2024

Our project for the rehabilitation of  “La Carbonería (Casa Tarragó)” was showcased at Milan Design Week’s Fuorisalone 2024 as the Grand Prize winner of the ADF Award 2024, with architect Ángel Borrego Cubero in attendance at the opening event for a sharing session with the visitors.

“La Carbonería/ Casa Tarragó” was featured in a joint exhibition organized by Aoyama Design Forum (ADF), GARDE, and Ordine degli Architetti di Milano. Alongside the winners of the ADF Design Award, the exhibition, which ran from April 16th to 21st at GARDE Italy’s showroom in the vibrant Tortona District, also featured the winners of the Politecnico di Milano New Graduate Award 2023.

The ADF Award, organized annually since 2010, aims to support designers from Japan and around the world. The Grand Prize, which we were honored to receive, includes a $30,000 stipend and various public exposure activities.

La Carboneria wins Grand Prize at ADF Design Award 2024

The rehabilitation of `La Carbonería´ in Barcelona, by Angel Borrego Cubero/ Office for Strategic Spaces, has been honored with the Gran Prize at the ADF Design Award 2024.

The recipients of the ADF 2024 Excellence Awards are Takashige Yamashita Office and NOA kankyo SEKKEI Office.

The projects of the three winners will be showcased at the upcoming Milan Design Week from April 16th to 21st, 2024 in a joint exhibition of the non profit ADF with Milan Architects Association Best Graduation Award for Polytechnic University of Milan students and the works of the interior design firm Garde Italy at Garde Italy showroom (Via Tortona, 37)

The ADF Design Award, organized annually since 2010 by the non profit Aoyama Design Forum of Japan, aims to support designers from Japan and around the world. The Gran Prize includes a $30,000 stipend and public exposure activities.

The jury for the 2024 edition consisted of five members: Suzy Annetta, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Design Anthology;  architect Delfina Scotto of Stamuli; architect  Fernando Menis ; architect Lorenzo Bini, a member of the Council of the Milan Architects Association and founder of Binocle; and William Potts, Design Director of the creative studio NR2154.

La Carboneria wins INMOMAT Award for Housing Rehabilitation

Our project “La Carbonería” has been honored with the INMOMAT Award in the rehabilitation category. This project involves the restoration of a listed housing block, recognized as the oldest in Barcelona’s iconic neighborhood Eixample. The INMOMAT Awards seek to be the public recognition for outstanding initiatives in the real estate sector and are presented during the INMOMAT Real Estate Congress, organized by MATCOAM, the Construction Department of the COAM Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (Madrid Architects Association).

The jury was chaired by Sigfrido Herráez, dean of COAM, and formed by Maria José Piccio-Marchetti, General Director of Housing and Rehabilitation of the Community of Madrid; Jorge Ginés Franco, Managing Director of ASPRIMA (Association of Real Estate Developers of Madrid); María Eugenia del Río Villar, COAM secretary; Angel Hernández Espada, member of the COAM Governing Board; Mariano García Hoyos, Director of Sustainability at HOLCIM Spain.

We share this award with the project promoter, Lesing LWP Spain, an exceptional client; the architect Montserrat Farrés, local collaborator; the engineering team of Guillem Baraut Bover from SOCOTEC Spain – BAC; the sustainability consultant Aleksandar Ivancic from Aiguasol; the technical architect Xavier Aumedes; and the restoration expert Cristina Thió i Lluch.

The Competition at S AM Swiss Architecture Museum

Our documentary film The Competition will be part of the group exhibition WHAT IF at the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum between 25.11.2023 – 05.05.2024, in Basel.  The opening will take place on 24/11/2023, 7 PM. Further details on S AM website.

What If

Lost, rejected, stalled or changed… There is a vast number of architectural designs that continue to be talked about in Switzerland, even though they have never been built. The S AM takes a look back at them and constructs a utopian-dystopian image of what Switzerland could have been.

The exhibition is conceived in dialogue with:
Architektur Forum Ostschweiz, Architekturforum Biel / Forum de l’architecture Bienne, Architekturforum im Touringhaus Solothurn, Architekturforum Obersee, Architekturforum Thun, Architekturforum Zürich, ArchitekturForumBern, Archives de la construction moderne (Acm) und Archizoom, Archivio del Moderno, BauForumZug, Das Gelbe Haus, FAR Forum d’Architectures, Forum Architektur Winterthur, Glarner Architekturforum, gta Exhibitions, Istituto Internazionale di Architettura (i2a), Fondation Pavillon Sicli, Schaffhauser Architektur Forum, Teatro dell’architettura, ZAZ Bellerive – Zentrum Architektur Zürich.

With projects from:
Architekturforum Obersee; Mario Botta; Martin H. Burckhardt; Caruso St John, Thomas Demand; Consiglio di Stato della Repubblica e Cantone Ticino; Aurelio Galfetti, Jachen Könz; Godfrey Grima, George Grima, André Bornet; Herzog & de Meuron; Kantonsingenieur des Kantons Zug; Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret; Hans Leuzinger; P.M.; Morphosis; Jean Nouvel, Emmanuel Cattani; Luigi Snozzi, Bruno Jenni; Tiefbauamt des Kantons Bern, Stadtplanung der Stadt Biel; Bernard Tschumi, Luca Merlini; Jean Tschumi; Werner Stücheli, Jørn Utzon.

The Competition (2013), Angel Borrego Cubero. With Norman Foster, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Jean Nouvel, Dominique Perrault.

Source of the description: S AM Website

Image: “The Competition” in show at S AM. Photo©Tom Bisig

Angel Borrego, guest speaker at the presentation of the magazine Arquitectura

On Monday, October 30, 7:00 p.m., the issue #386 of the magazine Arquitectura will be presented at the COAM Architects Association of Madrid The documentary The Competition will be screened, followed by a conversation between Ángel Borrego Cubero, architect and director of the documentary; Remedios Zafra, researcher at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC and author, among other things, of the book “El Entusiasmo. Precariedad y trabajo creativo en la era digital” (Enthusiasm. Precariousness and creative work in the digital age), an Anagrama Essay awardee in 2017; Luis Rojo, architect and guest editor of issue #386; Alejandro Valdivieso and Silvia Muñoz, director and member of the editorial team of Arquitectura magazine, respectively.

The film will be shown in Original Version (multiple languages) with Spanish subtitles.

Free access, registration is required.

La Carbonería, a A+ Awards finalist

One of the four finalists in the Multifamily Housing category of the a+ Arquitectura Plus Awards 2023, organised by Grupo VIA and Daikin, is the rehabilitation of La Carboneria in Barcelona. Cesar Ruiz-Larrea (Ruiz-Larrea Arquitectura), Esperanza Valle (L35 Architects), Gema Alfaro (ALFARO-MANRIQUE Atelier), Iñigo Ortiz (Ortiz.Leon Arquitectos), and José García Osorio (VIA Group) make up the jury for the current competition.

Only members of architecture or interior design firms are eligible to participate in the online voting phase, which is now open. On-site voting by attendees of the Arquitectura Plus Awards event in Madrid on November 23, 2023, will also be considered in determining the winner.

Please vote for La Carbonería and your other favorite projects by doing the following:

✅Check the finalist projects 

✅ Decide your favorite project in each of the categories. La Carbonería is in the Multifamily Housing category

✅Go to the La Carbonería presentation

✅Click on the “Voting” button at the end of the La Carbonería presentation.

✅A form opens: vote for your favorite project in each category. In Multifamily Housing, select “Office for Strategic Spaces (Angel Borrego Cubero) – La Carbonería”.

Thank you!




La Carboneria, shortlisted at the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture

Our project  “The Rehabilitation of La Carbonería” has been shortlisted in the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. The Jury has selected 126 out of the 524 entries presented in the “Built” category.

Lecture at ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture

On May 16th 2023, Ángel Borrego Cubero will give a conference at ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture in which he will talk about the challenges we have faced and the solutions we have adopted for the rehabilitation of La Carbonería, the oldest standing building in the Eixample iconic neighborhood of Barcelona. Built in the 19th century by Narcis Tarragó, at a time of confrontation between Ildefons Cerdá and the Barcelona City Council over what the future Eixample should be like, the building bears the imprint of those tense moments in its strange configuration: it has got 4 facades. The most spectacular of them remained hidden and inaccessible until 150 years later when the history of the building was studied and it was decided to protect it due to its relevance in understanding modern Barcelona. On how we have addressed the diversity of significance layers that the building holds, how we have recovered that façade for the city and other stories about the building and its rehabilitation process, are themes Ángel Borrego will tackle in the Aula de Graus, next Tuesday, starting at 1:00 p.m.

We thank the ETSAB Cultural Activities Area team for the opportunity to present our works; in particular, to Enric Granell Trias, Deputy Director of Culture of the ETSAB; and Carolina B. García Estévez, Deputy Director of Publications.

Finalist at the 13th Spanish Architecture Biennale

Factoría Cultural en el Matadero Madrid (Cultural Factory at the Contemporary Art Center El Matadero) is one of the 20 shortlisted buildings at the XIII Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. There were 449 entries from which the jury selected 22 awards, 20 shortlisted and 59 selected buildings. Photo: Simona Rota

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