In show at the exhibition Premios COAM 2005 / 2016

In 2014 we won the 1st COAM Prize for The Competition and in 2015 we won the COAM Prize with Special Mention by Factoría Cultural  Madrid. The COAM Awards are given annually by the Architects Association from Madrid and are among the most important architecture awards in Spain. Thanks to these two awards, we now participate in the exhibition and catalog “COAM Award for Contemporary Architecture of Madrid 2005 – 2016”. It opens tomorrow, September 29, 13: 30h, at the COAM in Madrid with the presence of Yves Saint-Geours, Ambassador of France in Spain, Manuela Carmena, Mayor of Madrid, Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Dean of the COAM, Edgar Gonzalez, Curator of the exhibition.

Factoria Cultural, 3rd Prize RTF Sustainability Awards – Offices

Factoría Cultural Matadero Madrid has won the 3rd Prize at Rethinking The Future Sustainability Awards – “Office” category. RTF Awards is a competition organized by an editorial from India, focused on innovation and sustainability in the built environment

Speaker at the Seminar Alternatives XIII Spanish Biennial

13-14.10.2016, Granada, Seminar Alternatives XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture: “San Isidro. Open Factory. Premises for rescuing an abandoned industrial heritage site”: Angel Borrego Cubero will talk about the Cultural Factory in El Matadero Madrid as a successful example of intervention into industrial heritage.

Exhibition at the 13th Spanish Biennial of Architecture

At the 13 Spanish Biennial of Architecture we participate at 3 levels since we got awards both at “Research” (with Historia de la Escuela) and “Dissemination” (with The Competition) sections and we were finalists at “Built works” (with Factoría Cultural). If you happen to visit Granada, before October 12, you can visit the exhibition of the 13th Spanish Biennial of Architecture. Free entrance, 10-18h, Palacio Carlos V – Alhambra

Factoria Cultural, a nominee at the European Architecture Prize Mies van der Rohe

The Cultural Factory Matadero Madrid, whose design and construction have been achieved by Angel Borrego Cubero along with his Office for Strategic Spaces, was nominated to the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2015.
