La Carboneria wins INMOMAT Award for Housing Rehabilitation

Our project “La Carbonería” has been honored with the INMOMAT Award in the rehabilitation category. This project involves the restoration of a listed housing block, recognized as the oldest in Barcelona’s iconic neighborhood Eixample. The INMOMAT Awards seek to be the public recognition for outstanding initiatives in the real estate sector and are presented during the INMOMAT Real Estate Congress, organized by MATCOAM, the Construction Department of the COAM Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (Madrid Architects Association).

The jury was chaired by Sigfrido Herráez, dean of COAM, and formed by Maria José Piccio-Marchetti, General Director of Housing and Rehabilitation of the Community of Madrid; Jorge Ginés Franco, Managing Director of ASPRIMA (Association of Real Estate Developers of Madrid); María Eugenia del Río Villar, COAM secretary; Angel Hernández Espada, member of the COAM Governing Board; Mariano García Hoyos, Director of Sustainability at HOLCIM Spain.

We share this award with the project promoter, Lesing LWP Spain, an exceptional client; the architect Montserrat Farrés, local collaborator; the engineering team of Guillem Baraut Bover from SOCOTEC Spain – BAC; the sustainability consultant Aleksandar Ivancic from Aiguasol; the technical architect Xavier Aumedes; and the restoration expert Cristina Thió i Lluch.

La Carbonería, EU Mies Award Nominee

Our rehabilitation project of La Carboneria (Casa Tarrago) is one of the 29 Spain-based nominees to the 2024 EU MIES AWARD ( European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2024), and the only rehabilitation of a housing estate.

This year’s jury is chaired by Frédéric Druot (Paris/Bordeaux), who will be accompanied by Martin Braathen (Oslo), Pippo Ciorra (Rome), Tinatin Gurgenidze (Tbilisi/Berlin), Adriana Krnáčová (Prague), Sala Makumbundu (Luxembourg), and Hrvoje Njiric (Zagreb).

The 2024 EUmies Award recognize the best built works in Europe completed between April 2021 and May 2023. The 2024 cycle reflects on the current challenges that citizens, architects, clients, developers, policymakers and other professionals are faced with in the context of the European Green Deal.

The EUmies Awards began its 18th cycle in May 2023, with a network of expert nominators and architecture associations from throughout Europe who submitted 362 projects for the jury’s consideration. The jury will now select 40 outstanding projects and then visit the finalists.

The “EU Mies Award 2024” exhibition, showcasing the finest architectural achievements from across Europe over the past 2 years, will run from May 14th until June 16th, 2024, at Palau Victòria Eugènia (Pl. Carles Buïgas, 7, Montjuic) in Barcelona.

La Carboneria, shortlisted at the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture

Our project  “The Rehabilitation of La Carbonería” has been shortlisted in the XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. The Jury has selected 126 out of the 524 entries presented in the “Built” category.

Guest speaker at seminar “Economia e Cidade: Habitaçao e Desenvolvimento Urbano”

On 21.11, at University of Sao Paulo, Angel Borrego Cubero will take part at the seminar “Economia e Cidade: Habitação e Desenvolvimento Urbano” organized by Arq.Futuro in collaboration with Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano de São Paulo (SMDU) and ONU Habitat.

17:30 – Keynote Speaker: Rogier van den Berg (ONU Habitat)
Mesa 3: Modelos Inovadores // Questões-chaves: Como transformar as condições precárias de moradia nos centros urbanos? Além de reformas habitacionais, como garantir acesso a melhores condições de moradia para as pessoas? Que modelos inovadores estão sendo desenvolvidos neste sentido?

Ángel Borrego Cubero (OSS – España)
Fernando Assad (Programa Vivenda)
Héctor Vigliecca (Vigliecca & Associados)
Mario Vieira (Habitat para a Humanidade Brasil)
Thiago de Andrade (CODHAB-DF)
Moderator: Washington Fajardo (IRPH)

