New chapter of Professor Justo Isasi’s lessons

Confinement must give us something positive: We have been able to finish editing and translating to English one more chapter in the series dedicated to Professor Justo Isasi’s classes. “Telling stories with lines” is the third drawn lesson from the six that Professor Justo Isasi gave in the spring of 2016 at ETSAM (Higher Technical School of Architecture in Madrid) and covers representations from Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Augustus Pugin to Le Corbusier and Rem Koolhaas. Thanks to the collaboration with Plataforma Arquitectura and Archdaily, these wonderful classes can be enjoyed beyond the ETSAM classrooms. This is a non-profit project lead by Ángel Borrego Cubero.

New docu-series about Professor Isasi’s classes

Justo Isasi, Professor at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid: “We architects think in lines, that is, musicians think in notes, painters in colors and those who who write think in arguments. But we, almost inevitably, have to think of lines. So this lesson is mostly about Intelligence and Imagination. And for that, we have to make lines … ”

This is the first episode of a series of 6 videos titled “Pensar a rayas/ Thinking in lines”. It is an initiative by Angel Borrego Cubero and produced voluntarily and non-profit by OSS in collaboration with ETSAM. The series will be disseminated with the collaboration of Plataforma Arquitectura and Archdaily.

