Finalist at the 13th Spanish Architecture Biennale

Factoría Cultural en el Matadero Madrid (Cultural Factory at the Contemporary Art Center El Matadero) is one of the 20 shortlisted buildings at the XIII Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. There were 449 entries from which the jury selected 22 awards, 20 shortlisted and 59 selected buildings. Photo: Simona Rota

Factoria Cultural won the Award COAM’15 with Special Mention

Ángel Borrego Cubero has been awarded the COAM Award’15 with Special Mention for his work Factoría Cultural, an creative industries hub at Matadero Madrid. The Awards COAM are annually given by the Architects’ Association from Madrid to the best architecture achievements in the region of Madrid. See here the awarded works.
