`The Competition´, a documentary movie, directed by Angel Borrego Cubero and produced by OSS, has been selected to open the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2013 (AFFR), being this its World Première. The opening night, attended by Borrego Cubero, is on the 10th of October at a special venue on Fenixloods 1, Katendrecht while the Festival is held between 10 – 13th of October 2013 at the cinemas of the Lantaren Venster. The access to the Festival is on a ticket basis, available from 30 of September.
Find out all details on the Festival website: http://goo.gl/HX8byh http://affr.nl/
Factoria Cultural won the Award COAM’15 with Special Mention
La Carboneria, shortlisted at the European Awards AHI for Intervention in the Built Heritage
Angel Borrego Cubero, Director of workshop at TEC Monterrey
In show at the exhibition Premios COAM 2005 / 2016
New docu-series about Professor Isasi’s classes