While Athens does not have a lack in housing, it does lack green space. The arrival of the Olympics provides the opportunity to create open areas associated to infrastructure and tertiary uses integrated in the city, instead of making another tired ‘Olympic village’. It is also possible to consider the use of the surrounding office buildings as a more logical kind of Olympic accommodation: Contemporary problems such as the need for heightened security are a second nature to the office building.Their intrinsic flexibility allows for the complete reconfiguration of each floor plan, making the adaptation of the spaces for athlete accommodation extremely easy. As the Olympic games take place during Athens’ summer vacation period a considerable amount of office space could be up for athlete’s habitation use. Each athlete receives a room supplied with furniture made from recycled cardboard that is easy and fast to assemble. Each piece of furniture is financed by one of the main Olympic Games Partner companies. A game between each piece of furniture and its sponsor is established.
Olympic Games Athens ‘04
Competition of Architectural Design

Competition/ Planning and accomodation strategies for the athletes at the Olympic Games Athens 2004
Athens, Greece