The new promotion law gives 1% from the budget to public art works. A competition is organized to make a sculpture to be placed in the neighborhood Lakua-2 in Vitoria, to be produced with the total sum …whit the surprise that this piece would be located in front of the siege of the Basque Government. The brief calls for a “representative” piece that must cost maximum 80 millions of pesetas (500.000 €). Our answer to this call is actually a question. How high can you get with 80 millions? Height gives representativeness, so the higher the better, isn’t it? Our proposal consists of a carbon fiber tube, painted in nonstick golden color provided of little holes containing fiberglass light transmitters. Having organized the material in order to get as high as possible, gives to the piece an extreme thinness and, of course, flexibility. With just a little burst the tube starts to move, with a characteristic wave. A flexibility metaphor is produced, recalling at the same time something desirable but also the whip that punishes. The great height and the object’s movements establish amazing relationships with the public at different distances.
Competition of Public Art installation

2nd Award. Competition of Public Art installation
Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain